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Spiritual Formation

Holy Name of Jesus School is a faith community, united in heart and spirit, endeavoring to share talents and spread the Good News of Jesus. We are committed to Catholic/Christian Education and envision it as an extension of the parish’s Catechetical Ministry. We attempt to develop skills that will enable students to become well-adjusted members of society while stressing their ability to contribute positively to the future as faith-filled believers. We respond to the cultural, religious, and intellectual diversity of our students and seek to develop a Catholic/Christian community in which love and concern are expressed daily by students, faculty, and parents.

Students in grades Kindergarten through eighth develop a spiritual awareness and understanding by participating in personal and community prayer before, during and at the end of the school day. The seventh and eighth grade classes participate in religious retreats and all grades participate in the commemoration of Holy Days of Obligation, May Crowning, Las Posadas, Kwaanza, Stations of the Cross and the recognition of Outstanding Americans.

All students participate in Religion as a subject and attend weekly school Mass. All grades receive catechism classes from our Director of Religious Education.


The second graders and all other students who have not yet done so, prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Students participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year.

Contact Us

Holy Name of Jesus School

1955 W. Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Phone: 323-731-2255
Fax: 323-730-0321

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.–Matthew 19:14