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Archives for Category: Blended Learning


June 14, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning

There’s a Reason

June 3, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
There’s a Reason

There is a reason 98% of our 8th Grade graduates graduate from High School and 95% enroll in college. It’s because we go far beyond regular classroom teaching.

Personalized Learning

May 26, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Personalized Learning

iDeal Institute

April 25, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
iDeal Institute

WE are so proud to partner with LMU in this ground breaking program

We are living our Vision!

February 24, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
We are living our Vision!

To be a world-class Catholic Learning Institution, recognized as a model for Quality Education.

Blended Learning for Transitional Kindergarten

January 21, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Blended Learning for Transitional Kindergarten

Great things are happening at Holy Name of Jesus School. LMU Blended Learning in our Transitional Kindergarten Classroom. 4 Years old and already using computers.

Why Blended Learning???

January 6, 2016 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Why Blended Learning???

Why Blended Learning at Holy Name of Jesus School? The results of the targeted studies speak loudly and clearly. The amount of learning achieved by students is enhanced. Above and beyond this increase in learning (which studies also corroborated), feelings of student satisfaction and their interpersonal communication were also improved.

Blended Learning

December 14, 2015 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Blended Learning

Specialty Family Foundation visits Holy Name of Jesus School to check out the new ‪#‎BlendedLearning‬ model piloted by Loyola Marymount University

Parents Night

November 20, 2015 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Parents Night

Parents Night at Holy Name of Jesus School checking out the groundbreaking Blended Learning Project and lovn’ it.

Teachers Need Teaching Too

October 2, 2015 by Principal | Posted In: Blended Learning
Teachers Need Teaching Too

Teacher in-service day for Blending Learning implementation at Holy Name of Jesus School​



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